UPDATE: More cards have been added to this list and some rumoured cards confirmed.
Modern Horizons 3 is on its way next month! While a lot of cards have been leaked and rumoured about, here is a rundown on some of the confirmed goblins in the next "straight to modern" set!
Warren Soultrader is a new sac outlet. It allows us to sacrifice a creature and pay 1 life to create a treasure. Arguably worse than Skirk Prospector as it is also costing us a life point but good in that we can make any colour mana with the treasure. It has already been broken as a combo piece in Zombie decks but goblins could maybe go down the Revel in Riches combo route.
Skoa, Embermage seems incredibly underpowered at 6 mana. Muxus is 6 mana and brings an awful lot more value to a game than Skoa. It is notably at common rarity so there may be a way to slot him into a pauper deck but currently the goblin community is not impressed with this goblin wizard.
Mogg Mob will certainly see play in any decks that can recast him from the graveyard. I heard someone describe it as 3 Mogg Fanatics stuck together which is funny because it's true. This is a card that I will be holding on to a playset just in case it becomes relevant.
This one doesn't strike me as a goblin players goblin. Conduit Goblin plays into the Energy theme that is running through MH3 like the wet fart that runs down my legs after I eat undercooked poultry. If WOTC manage to force Energy decks into modern then this goblin might see play there, or maybe in a pauper energy deck.
Thanks I hate it! I honestly dont know where this will see play. Spawn-Gang Commander is some kind of sick joke take on Siege-Gang Commander, which has been an instantly recognisable goblin finisher for over a decade. The main card has the goblin subtype, but the critteres it poops out are Eldrazi Spawn so there willl be no synergy and therefore no reason to play this monsterosity in any goblin deck.
This one is actually from a commander precon so wont be legal to play in Modern, It does have a cool ability for us to utilise in our EDH decks. I will be snapping up a copy for my Krenko deck.
Boggart Trawler is looks to be a fantastic card.
It was leaked early on it has had quite a bit of buzz around it because of it's great versatility. This card will definitely be an auto include in every goblin deck that runs black mana. A sideboard style hate piece when you need it, or a land when you don't. Perfect.
One mana hasty 1/1s are what red decks do best. This one being a goblin and an artifact creature make it super relevant for us. Being a common this card will definitely see play in Pauper.
Retro-frame Reprints
I'm actually just as excited for these two reprints of MH1 cards as anything else new in the set. Old boarder Sling-Gang Lieutenant and Munitions Expert. I will certainly be picking up foil playsets of both of these modern goblin staples.
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