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Mogg of the Month September '24: Conspicuous Snoop


It's another month and another installment of Mogg of the Month. I could only hold off for so long before awarding it to this multi format all-star goblin...

Mogg of the Month for September 2024 is Conspicuous Snoop!

Printed in the M21 core set way back before the pandemic. It seems so long ago now, but Snoop is a relatively newer card compared to the multitudes of goblins available to us.

Conspicuous Snoop quickly became a powerhouse in goblin decks across multiple formats. From its hilarious artwork to its powerful abilities, Snoop has earned its spot as a fan favorite and a competitive staple in the goblin tribe.

Conspicuous Snoop brought something goblins didn’t have before—a balance between card advantage, board control, and combo potential. It’s no longer just about being aggressive with "8-whack" strategies; with Snoop, goblin decks can play a more calculated, midrange game, or pivot into a full-on combo deck depending on what’s needed.

What Snoop did for goblin players cannot be overstated. The three abilities he brought with him were nothing like any other goblin before him. The third ability on Snoop enabled goblin lists in Modern to become combo decks which could win games incredibly quickly, as fast as turn 3.

One of the most notorious combos Snoop has made possible involves pairing it with Boggart Harbinger and Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker. By stacking the top of your deck with Kiki-Jiki and then using Snoop to copy itself infinitely, you can create an army of goblins to overwhelm your opponent. This combo made Goblins a tier 1 deck in Modern for a glorious period of time before cheap mass removal cards like Fury pushed it out into the fringes

In other formats; Pioneer, Legacy, Commander and Standard(at the time of printing) it's his second ability which brings the most utility. Being able to play cards from the top of your library and flood the board with creatures could overwhelm opponents enable the win on its own.

Strangely enough the Snoop combo can still run riot in Vintage, due in part to the fast mana available on the format. Turn one combo kills are possible using Snoop and Goblin Recruiter if you have a good opening hand.

Here's what others have said about Conspicuous Snoop:

"On the surface, Conspicuous Snoop might seem like just another addition to the arsenal of Goblin tribal decks, but a closer look reveals its potential as a powerful combo enabler and an engine that can reshape the outcome of a game."

"While players like the power of Conspicuous Snoop, some also note that it can be a risky card. If opponents can remove it before the combo goes off or before gaining value from the top of the deck, it can lose momentum quickly."

"Part of the charm of Conspicuous Snoop is how it embodies the goblin spirit—chaotic, unpredictable, but with just the right touch of cleverness. You never know what the next card on top of your deck might be, but with Snoop in play, it’s likely to be something game-changing"

That's all for this month's article. Leave a comment below and tell us what your favourite goblin is and we could feature it on the next Mogg of the Month!


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